Sunday, 1 December 2013

Change of Plans

More indecisiveness... very frustrating, but just part of the process. So now, the options are Kenya, Egypt or somewhere in Canada. The plan is to decide in the place in the next couple of weeks, but for this project, this seriously stinks. I can't give the letter to people/stores without writing where we're going as this would have an affect on the donors' contributions. For example, if we decide to go to Kenya or Egypt, the costs would be much higher and the resources we would need would be different than if we were to stay in Canada, where the costs would be less. The cost of the trip is a bug factor in the donations, so I'm hoping to sort all that out before I begin with the letter.

On the bright side, I realized that although though the Bible course passion project ends at the end of January, my personal project of raising $10,000 can extend till the actual time of the trip! This point made me quite happy and made me feel less like a failure... but when May comes and I still haven't done much, that would be bad. Hopefully that won't happen!    

1 comment:

  1. The uncertainty of your plans is disheartening and poses a challenge for your fundraising, but persevere! Your plan is sound, and your letter will only require minor revisions, so it can be ready to distribute very quickly once your plans are firm.
