Thursday, 23 January 2014

The Final Post

I really enjoyed the idea of the passion projects. It got us to do something new and something we've wanted to try for a while saying its homework. Without this project I would've never tried coptic iconography, but now I think it'll be a new hobby. I learnt so much in the process, not just about iconography but about overcoming obstacles, doing things you enjoy, trying things that seem difficult, accepting failure and moving on, and much more. This project was a chance to beauty-create, and enjoy creation. It was a chance to use the gifts God has given us for something good. It was a chance to get off my lazy bum and do something fun. Altogether, I'm just excited for next year's passion project already. Thanks for the opportunity :)

P.s. The one thing I didn't like was blogging, because to me, it feels like we're talking to ourselves for the most part. However, blogging was a good reminder to keep working on the project to have something to blog about!!! 

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